
Top 7 Conferences for Office Managers in 2019


Bevi staff

People sitting in a lecture hall as seen from the back

1. Admin Bash

Host: OfficeNinjas
When: 5:30-9:30pm, April 24, 2019
Where: San Francisco, CA
Cost: $

“Like any phenomenon, Admin Bash can’t be fully explained.”

Admin Bash - Bevi Team - OfficeNinjas

If you can only attend one Office Manager conference in the upcoming year, put Admin Bash at the top of your wish list.

While it only lasts a few hours, Admin Bash is jam-packed with networking opportunities, sweet raffle prizes, decadent apps and desserts, the most legendary swag bag you’ve ever seen, hand-picked vendor marketing, and best of all, a massage lounge. It’s like receiving a whole year’s worth of gratitude in just a few hours.

Sign-up here today to get the early bird discount, and get ready to party with 500 of your fellow career admins. And i f you can’t make it out to San Francisco, try attending one of their smaller Admingling events in a city near you.

2. Culture Summit

Host: Culture Summit
When: June 25-27, 2019
Where: San Francisco, CA
Cost: $$$

“Build the culture you want to work in.”

Culture Summit 2018 Bevi Team

Whether you’re a small startup building out a People Ops team or you’ve been nominated for a ‘Top 10 Places to Work’ award, the Culture Summit is the place to be.  

Unlike some of the other conferences on this list, Culture Summit is open to anyone interested in creating strategic, culture-focused initiatives in the workplace. You’ll leave the summit armed with the data, research and actionable ideas you need to become a Culture Champion for your company.

Sign-up here to receive an email notification when their Super Early Bird tickets become available.

3. Design Thinking for HR / Employee Experience Journey Mapping

Host: Vanessa Shaw, Humanside of Tech
When: On-going
Where: Primarily California & the Midwest
Cost: $

“There’s a new approach to designing the employee experience—it’s called human-centered design.”

Vanessa Shaw of Humanside of Tech

Dreaming of a workplace culture that’s empowering, strategic and fun? Join your fellow people geeks for Design Thinking for HR or Employee Experience Journey Mapping seminars with Vanessa Shaw, a self-described Learning Designer, Community Builder, and Strategic Advisor. (Get a quick snapshot of Vanessa’s background, her company Humanside of Tech, and her unique take on workplace culture here.) Learn how to approach your company’s most pressing cultural challenges with the latest research in one hand, sticky notes in the other.

Ready to redesign your approach to culture and HR? Sign-up here to be notified about Vanessa’s upcoming events for culture enthusiasts, people geeks, and office admins. 

4. Camp Org Org

Host: OrgOrg
When: TBD
Where: San Francisco
Cost: $

“You empower your company. We empower you.”

Ryan & Katie at an Event

In 2018, OrgOrg hosted its first annual conference, Camp OrgOrg. This one-day conference was specifically designed for ‘Organization Organizers,’ or the people behind the scenes, like you, that make sure everything at work works. With a diverse lineup of panels, workshops, breakout discussions, and social activities, the goal of Camp OrgOrg is to leave attendees equipped with new skills, tools, peers, and motivation to do their best work. While it’s still unclear if and when they’re hosting a second annual Camp OrgOrg, keep an eye out!

As you wait anxiously for the announcement, be sure to join their community of office managers, executive or administrative assistants, facilities managers, HR enthusiasts, and the like. You’ll gain access to exclusive resources, groups, and event announcements, all while connecting with your peers from across the country.

5. PERKS Convention

When: NYC: April 18, 2019, 9am – 5pm, Boston: May 2, 2019, 9am – 5pm, LA: September 12, 2019, 9am – 5pm, Chicago: TBD
Cost: $

“Everybody works. Our mission is to transform the way you think about it.”

perks convention

With upcoming events in NYC, Boston, LA, and Chicago, the PERKS Convention is the place to go if you’re looking to take your culture, employee experience, and office amenities to the next level. PERKS Conventions are specifically designed to create highly relevant, actionable, and immersive experiences for office managers, people ops, and the like. While the name may imply things like catered company lunches and on-site manicures, the PERKS Convention also covers healthcare network optimization and health and wellness initiatives.

Tickets for the NYC event go on sale January 1st. Get yours before they go!

6. IAAP Summit  

Host: International Association of
Administrative Professionals (IAAP)
When: July 18-21, 2019
Where: Baltimore, MD
Cost: $$$

“…leaving you prepared to take on that next project at your desk. Then, who knows, maybe the world.”

iaap logo

Happening this year in Baltimore, MD, the annual IAAP Summit offers the essentials tools, resources, and inspiration every office manager and administrative professional needs to succeed. This four-day long immersive experience includes Key Notes from Laura Schwartz and Anne Grady, as well as educational sessions, networking hours, and a ‘marketplace’ time to meet with office solutions vendors.  

Ready to be empowered and inspired? Sign-up for this year’s summit here. You can also check out the summit’s future locations here you’re unavailable to attend this year.

7. Office Manager Happy Hours & Office Solutions Events

Host: Managed by Q
When: TBD
Where: NYC, nationwide
Cost: Free!

“Managed by Q helps the world’s leading companies create inspiring offices.”

Managed by Q event

In addition to their highly relevant blog and online magazine, Managed by Q often hosts informal events in NYC, LA and Boston. A platform for office management, Managed by Q’s mission is to help companies build, design, staff, and manage their workplaces. They know that Office and Facilities Managers are constantly going the extra mile, that’s why they frequently organize free, informal Happy Hours for OMs and FMs to meet and mingle with complimentary apps and drinks.

Managed by Q also organizes informative events that dive headfirst into office trends and the latest employee experience research. Word on the street is Managed by Q and Poppin are teaming up to do a series of free events covering services and solutions for Office and Facility Managers in January and February of 2019. Keep an eye out for the events by signing up for their newsletter or by revisiting this blog post in a few weeks. 


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