
Crystal Dynamics


Bevi staff

Crystal Dynamics logo

Achievement Unlocked: cut soda consumption and waste by 40%, thereby saving the world


It was clear to everyone at Crystal Dynamics—the video game developer famous for creating Tomb Raider—that they had a beverage problem. Nathan, a Workplace Solution Specialist at Crystal Dynamics, said, “Sparkling water was the most consumed beverage. Ever. Period.”

They were ordering 14 cases of sparkling water every week to keep up with employee demand. This required time and effort along with the whole process involved in stocking beverages: ordering from the vendor, scheduling and receiving deliveries, finding storage for the excess, stocking the fridges, and finally managing the waste.

Mission commence.


Their facilities manager, Ian, saw the need at Crystal Dynamics for a cheaper, hassle-free, and waste-saving beverage solution. He suggested Bevi, a machine that had solved similar issues at his previous place of work.

“The Bevi fit our need for unlimited sparkling water,” said Nate, “It’s also great that it dispenses regular or flavored water. The options are awesome!”

The team at Crystal Dynamics conducted a cost analysis, comparing the cost of Bevi to their current beverage spending. When they saw that Bevi would cut their beverage costs by over 50%, it was a “no brainer.”


Though secretive about their game development, Crystal Dynamics isn’t hiding how much they love their Bevi.

“The Bevi is amazing!” Nathan praises its ability to let employees choose exactly how they want their water—sparkling or still, flavored or pure.

“We used to buy 14 cases of Costco brand sparkling water every week. It was a ton of work.” In comparison, the Internet-connected Bevi runs itself and lets us know when it needs to be serviced. This has freed up a lot of time for the Workplace Solutions team and also a lot of space since they no longer have to store cases of water. As one the people who used to stock the fridge, Nathan says, “Bevi is literally saving my back.”

After they got Bevi, Nathan believes that employees are drinking more water as well. He’s also noticed a stark behavior shift: “Soda consumption has gone down drastically, like about 40%, since the Bevi.” With the attractive and fun options provided by Bevi, it’s easier for employees to be healthier while also saving the environment. Thank you hydration heroes!

Want to learn more? Bevi is more than just a smart water cooler: learn more about our full line of Products, healthy Flavors and hassle-free Service here.


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